Foxy Frangipani
Though I came back from work on the dot today, I didn't feel like cooking up anything. But I bought a dozen eggs and aint gonna let them rot..

The moment I dropped my laptop bag, I headed to the kitchen and boiled 2 eggs.

Then I pulled out my yoga mat, switch on the TV (oooh Chinese drama) and did a few rounds of Sun Salutations. Workout from yesterday gave me very sore back (next time remember to layer with towels) so no floor exercise on my back today..

Its PMS week so naturally I craved for junk food. I allowed myself a small pack of Twisties - Tomatoes and a glass of water. Ahh..

Then made hearty eggs sandwiches and a mug of milk.. which leaves me feeling bloated now, burrrp! Excuse me... heee.

As I finish this post, I'm with a glass of Ribena.
Happy :D

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